[Sweet No Guilt 2] Strawberry Duo

[Sweet No Guilt 2] Strawberry Duo

Health In Your Hand S2EP2
<Sweet No Guilt 2> - Strawberry Duo
Zero sugar Duo-color Strawberry Cheesecake

Ingredients [6-8 serving]
[A | cake base] Almond Flour (70g), Butter (28g) melted.

[B | cake body] Creamcheese (225g) room temperature, Egg (1), Steevia (choose: low sweetness - 3g, normal - 5g), Vanilla bean (1) get the seeds / vanilla extract (1/2 tsp)


[B] Ingredients


[C | topping] Fresh whipping cream (200ml), Steevia (choose: low sweetness - 1g, normal - 2g), Butter (18g) melted, Strawberries (30g) pureed, Moringa Powder (3g), Strawberry (5-6 small) sliced to heart shape

Steps [1hr preparation, 24hr cooling before consumption]

Preheat oven to 175°C (350F)
Mix all ingredients in A. Fill 1tbsp of mix to each well of cupcake pan, or place all mix into 6-inch round pan, press firm.
Bake cake base for 12-15min.
Stir creamcheese to smooth, and then add and mix egg and Steevia.
Extract vanilla seed from bean, by slide open the bean with knief, and use the back of the knief to scratch the seed out, mix with B
Cake base should be done in this time, wait 10min for it to cool down, then spoon the batter into wells (1.5tbsp per well) / pour all into round pan.


Done cake base

Bake for 14-15min.

Prepare topping, whip cream, add Steevia. When cream is whipped, separate into two bowls [D and E]
In D, add butter and strawberry puree, fold and mix well.
In E, add Moringa poweder, fold and mix well.

[D] & [E]
[E] left; [D] right

At this time, cake should be ready, turn off the heat, open oven door for a gap to let slowly cool down for 10min. Take out from oven, cool down for another 10min.
Carefully take out cakes from wells or pan.
Top D onto cake(s) with spoon or use nozzle bag/gun.
Top E onto cake(s) with nozzle bag/gun.
Place strawberry slices according to your decoration ideas.
Place in fridge for 24 hours.

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